GestuRING: a tool for ring gesture input

GestuRING is a tool meant to assist HCI researchers and practitioners interested in designing gesture input for ring, ring-like, and ring-ready devices. GestuRING features a large amount of information that is readily available to inform design decisions about which ring gestures to effect which function in an interactive system and to inspire new gesture designs by building on a body of scientific knowledge that is systematically structured. For more details about how we designed GestuRING and the findings of the systematic literature review that informed it, please see our ACM UIST '21 paper.

Academic publication

The GestuRING Tool

GestuRING provides access to a dictionary of 579 mappings between ring gestures and system functions for interactive applications, extracted from a systematic literature review that included 84 papers on the topic of ring gesture input published between 1997 and 2020. GestuRING also provides access to a library of YouTube videos that demonstrate the gestures and to numerical data recorded with a 3-axis accelerometer attached to the finger.