Final Report


The project proposal represents a partnership of 3 univesities, 2 enterprises and the general association of engineers of Romania (AGIR), partners that are involved in research and development activities parteneri and that are also the direct beneficiers of the project's results. Cofinancing partners are represented by SC Genpro SRL Suceava și SC CAOM SA Pașcani.

The proposal is sustained by international partners (by means of written collaboration agreements attached as appendixes): Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille, Franța; Polytech'Lille, Franța; Institute for Work and Technology Gelsenkirchen, Germania; University of Gent, KAHO Gent, Belgia.

The project will be coordinated and directed on all its period by the Partner University of Suceava. The project director will assure the free access to accumuled information for all the involved partners.

The project targets complex and original research in the following domains:

    § Psichology (studies regarding gestures conducted by the team from the Faculty of Psichology of University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza" , Partener 2)
    § Computer Science (gesture based interaction system University „Ștefan cel Mare" of Suceava, Technical University „Gh. Asachi" Iași, S.C. Genpro SRL Suceava, AGIR)
    § Digital electronics (SoC architecture proposal University „Ștefan cel Mare" of Suceava , S.C. CAOM SA Pașcani)
    § Information and communication technologies (studies on human computer interaction Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Lille, Franța; Polytech'Lille, Franța; Institute for Work and Technology Gelsenkirchen, Germania; University of Gent, KAHO Gent, Belgia).

The project's development is set for 4 stages with a period of 27 months, starting from April 2006 till June 2008, as described in appendixes A3.1 and A3.2:

Stage I. Research on gesture comands. The design of a gesture based dictionarry for interaction with information and robotics systems: studies on gesture commandes, elaboration of a gesture dictionary.

Stage II. Elaboration of real time acquisition and interpretation of hand and head gestures: real time hand and face detection modules with an accuracy of 90% by corelating and analyzing the visual information captured from two video cameras

Stage III. Embedded system for gesture recognition by including the gesture dictionary and the gesture acquisition and interpretation algorithms: establishing the system's architecture, development of the programs, development of the embedded device

Stage IV. Experimentation and validation of the interaction system: implementation of the system for a virtual 3D platform at LIFL, France; implementation inside an augmented reality application for a smart desk; experimenting the technology for the control of the robot arm Hercules developed at the University of Suceava; experimenting the technology on the mobile robot Centaure developed in collaboration with Polytech'Lille, France; publishing the results.

[Project] [Context] [Objectives] [Presentation] [Justification] [Diagram] [Results] [Impact] [Management] [Resources] [Team] [Final Report] [Dissemination]